Real Estate-Investment
& Development Company

Commercial, Industrial & Residential Properties  Specialists

Real Estate Investors & Developers in Seattle

Aspen Real Estate Group LLC is a privately held full-service real estate development company with over 30 years of successful real estate development experience.

What We Do

From single owner, boutique buildings to large scale, award-winning commercial structures, Aspen Real Estate Group LLC governs each project with an in-depth analysis. We maintain transparent communication and focus on managing every step of a project’s planning and execution. Our team is with you from the initial idea and underwriting to successful completion and Certificate of Occupancy.

Our Expertise

  • 30 years of industry experience
  • Depth and variety in projects of varying scale, scope, and sector
  • Local and regional projects and clients
  • Transparency in all processes

We Have Long-Standing Relationships With

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    Industry’s investors

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    Clients and vendors

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    City leaders

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    Governing offices

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    Neighborhood organizations and groups

Our long term relationships with
our clients bring us repeat business.

Proven Results

Proven track record and success in finding a cost-effective solutions for different projects. For example, a project required a 1.5 million dollar upgrade to a sub-station. We were able to get the upgrade done for $180,000 and donated some un-developable land to the power company.